Continuing my search to find the favourite Hipstamatic film and lens combinations of other mobile photographers, I talked to Dilshad Corleone and Anna Cox, both prominent members of the Juxt community and both wonderfully talented photographers.
I am a big fan of both, who are well known for their black and white work. BlacKeys SuperGrain is a firm favourite but both Dilshad and Anna like to experiment with other combinations and are able to produce some breathtaking results.
Dilshad Corleone
Dilshad Corleone, aka italianbrother on Instagram and most other photographic social media networks, is in love with the photography of Henri Cartier-Bresson and his 35mm format, and considers himself to be a true Mobile Photographer.
His street photography has been exhibited internationally in Europe, America and East Asia, from London to Japan passing by, most recently, from The Soho Gallery for Digital Art in New York, to name but a few.
I Told You
Dilshad has also received five honorable mentions in the 2013 Mobile Photography Awards. His work has also been published in major magazines and paper edition books, and he is a columnist for and an active member of
Dilshad was recently the main contributor for an inspirational video that saw him walking on the streets of Barcelona and photographing the day-to-day life. This video has been received with very positive reviews widely from the Mobile-Photography World (you can see his video here:
His work is gracing the walls of private owners in London, Italy, France, Spain and the USA.
His Mobile Photography has a strong feel of the old 1920’s 1930’s photography and he loves the grunge, the dirt, and the grit. He is also found to portray the unspoken London, the untold London, with heavily blurred background, men with big, long beards, hats and characteristic and peculiar faces. Mobile Photography and Street-photography has given him the power to tell his stories, what he sees and what touches him.
W40 with Wonder Lens
These hands could tell a story or two
Like many others, my favorite is the super classic combo of John S combined with the BlackKeys SuperGrain. Nevertheless, last weekend I went to a Tattoo conference near my house, in London; this time I just wanted to retain the feel of a fashion show, so I decided to go with a complete different combination: the Wonder Lens and its W40 film combo served absolutely well to my purpose. The soft and cool tone that gives a glossy feel to the photos helped me achieve what I wanted to perfection.
Monster Girls With Daddy
Anna Cox
Anna Cox is a working artist living in central Kentucky, a mother of two boys, a painter and a Juxter. She spends the majority of her time taking care of her family but when possible she gets to sneak off to shoot. Anna says it’s all about finding a happy medium between family, creating and sharing.
Asking Anna about her Hipstamatic experience she said; I downloaded hipstamatic about two years ago around the same time I downloaded instagram. It took me awhile to realize its full potential with the variety of effects each combo denotes. I don’t even think I realized there were other lenses other than John S until I saw @kewiki doing a shake contest. You would turn on the shake to randomize feature then shoot and post. I guess I should thank him for my obsession with hipsta. I shoot almost exclusively in hipstamatic now.
Nike AODLX with Helga/Jane/Watts/Americana
As far as film goes I adore Nike AODLX for black and white. Lately, I have been pairing it with the helga lens. It gives a great washed out feeling but has a good range of tones and awesome detail. I also like AODLX paired with Jane. She has such a gorgeous grayscale and sweet little vignette. If I want more contrast I go with Watts or Americana depending on whether or not i want a the blur Americana brings to the table.
All of these photos are from my families farm I visited when I was young. My great grandfather ran it until he passed away then it sat until now barely used and in total disrepair. I choose these images to give a better idea of what each lens can do when paired with AODLX.
DC with Jane/Loftus
My goto color film is DC hands down. I love the richness this film has. The colors are always spot on if not just a tad oversaturated. I usually pair it with Jane or loftus. Loftus scares alot of people with the blur it has but I really enjoy the sparkle it gives when converted to black and white. Jane is, as always, just awesome she always gives you about what you see without straying too far into special effects.
What’s your favourite?
As always, I’m on the look out for interesting and talented mobile photographers to feature. If you have an interesting story to tell, some stunning photography and would like to share your favourite Hipstamatic film and lens combination then get in touch.