The theme for the last Mobiography smartphone photo challenge was ‘Rainy Days’. For this challenge the Mobiography community were asked to share their best mobile photos of reflections in puddles, raindrops on windows or umbrella filled streets. Here is a small selection of photos that were tagged for this challenge.
Featured photographers this week include: @abusalempictures, @bianca_valkhoff, @camhaynes22, @emilia_photographe, @jackieskenesky, @markspurgeonphotos, @zenlake, @agkolatt, @sombra_y_luz, @susanpulaskiart,@vatsy_stark, and @csernusphotography.
Take part in the next Mobiography photo challenge
The theme of this week’s photo challenge is ‘Adventure and Travel’. For this challenge think about sharing your best mobile photos that capture the essence of travel, adventure and freedom. Think about photos of far off places, busy tourist attractions, air, sea and road travel, or remote wildernesses.
To enter the challenge simply start sharing your best images on the theme of ‘Adventure and Travel’ that were taken and edited with a smartphone by using the hashtag #mobiography_challenge_87 on Instagram.
The best ones will be featured in the next photo challenge showcase, so get sharing now.
Join The Mobiography Facebook GroupUntitled
‘Untitled‘ by @abusalempictures – “This photo was captured on a Huawei P9, in February of 2017. It’s not edited at all, I just used the P9’s monochrome lens (f2.2 , 1/50, ISO100). I loved that phone, and this mode. I like the well balanced contrast, nice details without any afterwork, out of the box.
These guys are my two sons. We had a trip to the embassy, in London, which is quite far away from us. They were tired, hungry, the weather was dark, windy, and… rainy. They looked so miserable.
The first attempt at this photo didn’t go to well as the wind blew the rain on the lens, so I wiped it and tried again. When the newspaper came into the frame, (thanks to the wind) this helped make the shot more dramatic. ”
‘Untitled‘ by @bianca_valkhoff – “I was on a job in West Sussex and borrowed a pair of wellies as I had to walk into the local village and happened to see my reflection in a puddle and decided to take a couple of pics. It was all rather spontaneous. I used the vintage camera app to enhance the photo on my iPhone.”
Above my head at arms length
‘Above my head at arms length‘ by @camhaynes22 – “I usually end up outside at some point when it rains, trying to capture those fleeting moments before drops are pulled to the ground by gravity.
Most times I’m drenched by the time I go back into the house. I normally don’t carry an umbrella because it’s too cumbersome and I like having both hands free. I also don’t even wear a raincoat half the time especially during the warmer weather, so I run out and click! click! click! and then run back inside.
I have learned over time to be somewhat prepared for certain inevitable events because you never know when, or where, that perfect drop will drip. This is a perfect example, when you’re photographing raindrops high above your head, at arm’s length. You’re bound to get a wet face, as I did. This drop did fall but thankfully I had my glasses on and it didn’t splash in my eye. Keeping that in mind. I do try to always have a tissue in my pocket for this exact scenario.
Photographed and edited on Samsung Galaxy S7 (no flash, no tripod). Edited, in part, with SnapSeed and EyeEm apps.”
‘E N C A P S U L A T E D‘ by @emilia_photographe – “Shooting in the rain makes for great photography. Sitting in the car, taking a moment to hear the gentle pitter patter of rain drumming the rooftop, watching the raindrops collect one after another, on the blank canvas of a glass windshield makes for magic. It’s moments like these that re-awaken us to the simple beauty that exists all around us. Every photographer’s hope and intention is not only to create a beautifully composed image, but ultimately, to try to capture a moment like this one.
Trying not to get soaked on what was quite a cold and gloomy day in the middle of January in L.A., I was rushing to get into the car as quickly as I could. Once I settled in, I grabbed my phone in search of an address. It was when I looked up to start the car, when I noticed what was in front of me. Hundreds of raindrops, in every size and shape, covering the windshield of my car, superimposed over the dark silhouette of the palms trees above, hidden within each droplet, the reflection of the street scene before me. It was truly magical!
Photographed and edited on iPhone 8 Plus (edited only to turn it into black and white; and sharpened only on Instagram)”
Is this really May?
‘Is this really May?‘ by @jackieskenesky – “It was a rainy day in New Jersey and I was at an indoor punk rock flea market with my boyfriend. After I was done browsing the merchandise, I noticed that the raindrops on the glass door with the boardwalk in the background would make an interesting photo. My boyfriend, the gentleman he is, was walking to get the car and pull it up so I wouldn’t get wet and I captured him walking away with the raindrops as well! I edited the photo in Snapseed using the saturation, contrast and the vignette tools. ”
Under the weather
‘Under the weather‘ by @markspurgeonphotos – “I do voluntary work for a charity called ‘The Nancy Oldfield Trust‘ providing boating opportunities for disabled and disadvantaged folk. I always have my iPhone with me and frequently shoot the scenery and interesting boats which I often post on social media. I took this photo a couple of weeks ago on a rainy day and thought I’d stay dry, inside my boat’s cabin and shoot the raindrops on the window. I shot in a square format and focused on the raindrops but included a boat in the background to add context. I have only carried out very slight edits within Instagram to emphasise the raindrops. I enjoy boating and photography all year, making the most of whatever the weather delivers.”
Pink dreams
‘Pink dreams‘ by @zenlake – “The photo was taken with a pixel 3a XL with a moment macro lens. I brought the image across to my iPad using AirDroid and it was edited in Snapseed and Mextures. The image was taken while walking my dog after it had been raining. The image is of a rose in a neighbour’s front garden. ”
‘Colorful‘ by @agkolatt
Stories from Graz
‘Stories from Graz‘ by @sombra_y_luz
Woman in the rain
‘Woman in the rain‘ by @susanpulaskiart
1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. 6..!!
‘1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. 6..!!‘ by @vatsy_stark
‘Untitled‘ by @csernusphotography
Don’t forget…
The theme of this week’s photo challenge is ‘Adventure and Travel’. For this challenge think about sharing your best mobile photos that capture the essence of travel, adventure and freedom. Think about photos of far off places, busy tourist attractions, air, sea and road travel, or remote wildernesses.
To enter the challenge simply start sharing your best images on the theme of ‘Adventure and Travel’ that were taken and edited with a smartphone by using the hashtag #mobiography_challenge_87 on Instagram.
The best ones will be featured in the next photo challenge showcase, so get sharing now.
Join the Mobiography Facebook Group
If you haven’t already done so, follow Mobiography on Instagram and hashtag your photos with #mobiography. Don’t forget to sign up to the Mobiography email list to get the latest news and updates direct to your inbox.
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