The theme for the last Mobiography smartphone photo challenge was ‘Abstract’. For this challenge the Mobiography community was asked to think about sharing their best abstract photos that were taken and edited with a smartphone. You were asked to think about photos that showed closely cropped patterns, curves, reflections and lines, that used shadows and silhouettes or that skillful used creative mobile art.

Featured photographers this week include: @allophile_, @mery_pictures, @paule_novemb, @lisalam628, @sweet_coconutt, @lollykakumani, @bazillus, @the.r.a.b.b.i.t, @jilllian2, @di.monheit19, @reneetakespics, and @emmafwright

Take part in the next Mobiography photo challenge

I’m going to be taking a break and a holiday for the next few weeks so for the theme of this week’s photo challenge is ‘Summer Holidays’. For this challenge think about sharing your best mobile photos that sum up the idea of your perfect ‘Summer Holiday’. Think blue skies, beach scenes, seascapes, landscapes, travel and summertime portraits.

To enter the challenge simply start sharing your best images on the theme of ‘Summer Holidays’ that were taken and edited with a smartphone by using the hashtag #mobiography_challenge_82 on Instagram.

The best ones will be featured in the next photo challenge showcase, so get sharing now.

Join The Mobiography Facebook Group

Light and the direction of wind on dunes…

Mobiography Photo Challenge: 12 Abstract Inspired Smartphone Photos 1

Light and the direction of wind on dunes…‘ by @allophile_ – “White Sands National Monument, in New Mexico, is a half-day’s drive from where we live in Arizona. The landscape is minimal and surreal, especially right before and right after sunset—like giant piles of wind-sculpted sugar under endless skies, with mountains on all horizons. We went during the winter, while on a long-weekend road-trip with friends who used to live in New Mexico. I still had my iPhone 6s when we visited thesejill gypsum dunes; the photo was taken with the native camera, and edited slightly with snapseed, adjusting just a bit for exposure.”

Lines & Light

Mobiography Photo Challenge: 12 Abstract Inspired Smartphone Photos 2

Lines & Light‘ by @mery_pictures – “I love the simple geometric shapes in this image: the triangle, the lines formed by the different colors, and the round wall light, which came out blurry as I focused on the triangle. I made the image a bit lighter as the natural light was low. Samsung Galaxy S8: I never leave home without it.”

Last ices of the winter

Mobiography Photo Challenge: 12 Abstract Inspired Smartphone Photos 3

Last ices of the winter‘ by @paule_novemb – “For me, abstract is a quest for the very essence of photography: pure play of light, shapes and colours transcending reality.

In nature, few things easily provide such purity. With its infinite variety of textures, ice is one of the bests!

Last winter was a generous provider because of many periods of freeze-thaw-refreeze. Probably caused by climate change and with high risk of fall injuries, but still so beautiful. Armed with crampons and keeping my phone as close as possible to my body heath, I went on many ice hunts!

I didn’t carry out any particular post-processing treatment, only a bit of sharpness and contrast enhancement.”


Mobiography Photo Challenge: 12 Abstract Inspired Smartphone Photos 4

Untitled‘ by @lisalam628 – “This photo was recently taken with my iPhone X from the side entrance of Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center. I was drawn to the shape and lines of its roof. I did my post processing in Snapseed. The whole idea is to show a minimalistic architectural abstract in white. I think the result speaks for itself. ”

Miramar Hotel

Mobiography Photo Challenge: 12 Abstract Inspired Smartphone Photos 5

Miramar Hotel‘ by @sweet_coconutt – “This photo of Miramar hotel was taken from the open-top bus and edited in Adobe Lightroom for mobile. I used the default profile selections (modern) then applied some effects and made slightly color/light adjustment. Adobe Lightroom is one of my favourite apps to edit my photos.”


Mobiography Photo Challenge: 12 Abstract Inspired Smartphone Photos 6

Untitled‘ by @lollykakumani – “I took this photo with the Hipstamatic app using Milwaukee Hipstapak setting and the dreampop flash. The flowers (painted on the wall) with the mirror impressed me. And it suited for abstract genre.”

Villa Savoye by Le Corbusier

Mobiography Photo Challenge: 12 Abstract Inspired Smartphone Photos 7

Villa Savoye by Le Corbusier‘ by @bazillus – “My series ‘architecture – eye on detail’ is an ongoing project which I started in 2011. The title ‘architecture – eye on detail’ is my guideline. My focus is on the details of buildings, interior and excerpts from the urban space. The choice of the place, and the language of shapes and the light transfer the images to an independent abstract photo. As well as they are references to architectural styles and eras.

The photos are shot with my iPhone and just have been edited with instagram. Black and white only! The selected photo I took in Poissy, France.”

Lines do matter

Mobiography Photo Challenge: 12 Abstract Inspired Smartphone Photos 8

Lines do matter‘ by @the.r.a.b.b.i.t – “Shapes, patterns and colours are something I always look for when it comes to photography. This photograph was inspired by that fascination. While out on the city on a Saturday morning, I just came across this yellow coloured bench which was placed on a dark coloured cement floor. Immediately took my phone out and managed to get the alignment I wanted using the grids on cam. I snapped a few shots with my iPhone 8 plus and picked the best one out of it. The photograph was edited using the Snapseed Mobile App.”

Just the center

Mobiography Photo Challenge: 12 Abstract Inspired Smartphone Photos 9

Just the center‘ by @jilllian2 – “This photo is the very center of an Echinacea type of Coneflower. I am amazed by the patterns that occur in nature. The Fibonacci Sequence or the Golden Spiral is everywhere!

I used my iPhone 7 Plus with on Olloclip macro lens attachment for this photo. I shot it through the Hipstamatic app, using the John S and Inas 1969 combination. I used Snapseed to crop the border.”

Up-spiraling vortex

Mobiography Photo Challenge: 12 Abstract Inspired Smartphone Photos 10

Up-spiraling vortex‘ by @di.monheit19 – “While meeting up with a fellow Instagrammer and photography group member who I was meeting face to face for the first time, we arranged to meet at a hotel in Santa Monica. As we walked in I noticed this spiral staircase! Of course I had to capture its beauty! Edited in Snapseed.”


Mobiography Photo Challenge: 12 Abstract Inspired Smartphone Photos 11

Untitled‘ by @reneetakespics – “This was taken in Old Town Sacramento. I was drawn to the color of the wall and the detail on the railing so I distilled the image to those elements. Getting the right crop was most challenging.”

What Ever Goes Up Must Come Down

Mobiography Photo Challenge: 12 Abstract Inspired Smartphone Photos 12

What Ever Goes Up Must Come Down‘ by @emmafwright

Don’t forget…

I’m going to be taking a break and a holiday for the next few weeks so for the theme of this week’s photo challenge is ‘Summer Holidays’. For this challenge think about sharing your best mobile photos that sum up the idea of your perfect ‘Summer Holiday’. Think blue skies, beach scenes, seascapes, landscapes, travel and summertime portraits.

To enter the challenge simply start sharing your best images on the theme of ‘Summer Holidays’ that were taken and edited with a smartphone by using the hashtag #mobiography_challenge_82 on Instagram.

The best ones will be featured in the next photo challenge showcase, so get sharing now.

Join the Mobiography Facebook Group

If you haven’t already done so, follow Mobiography on Instagram and hashtag your photos with #mobiography. Don’t forget to sign up to the Mobiography email list to get the latest news and updates direct to your inbox.

Join The Mobiography Facebook Group