The theme for this last week’s Mobiography Photography Challenge was ‘Stunning Skies’. The photos featured in this showcase all illustrate how different photographers have approached this subject and been able to capture some breathtaking skies. From @KallyKlick’s superbly moody approaching storm to an amazing sunset caotured by Joe Le Grand or Jen Pollack Bianco’s beuatifully dreamy view from a plabe window or the dark and moody black and white image by Seamus Smyth.

Featured photographers this week include: @KallyKlick, Jen Pollack Bianco, Diane Adler Monheit, Joseph Cyr, Seamus Smyth, Susan Blanda, L J Ouellette, Joe Le Grand, Laurence Bouchard, Jonathan Leahy Maharaj, Dina Alfasi, Ann Hecht, Jill Lian and @girlgonecoastal

Take part in the next Mobiography photo challenge

The theme for the next challenge will be ‘Peace, Calm and Tranquility’. For the challenge think about sharing your best mobile photos that convey a sense of peace, calm and tranquility, whether through a minimalist composition, using muted colors, a captivating portrait or stunning landscape.

To enter the challenge simple start sharing your best images on the theme of ‘Peace, Calm and Tranquility’ that were taken and edited with a smartphone by using the hashtag #mobiography_challenge_38 on Instagram.

The best ones will be featured in the next photo challenge showcase, so get sharing now.

Join the Mobiography Facebook Group

Mobiography has just setup a Facebook Group as a place where the Mobiography community can chat and interact, share your photos, ideas, tips and news. Head over to Facebook and join the group, introduce yourself, share some of your images, and leave some comments on other people’s photos.

Join The Mobiography Facebook Group

Stormy backdrop

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Stormy backdrop‘ by @KallyKlick – “It’s not unusual to have little systems around while the sun is brightly shining here in the Bahamas. This was no exception. There was such a strong contrast between the foreground and background that I didn’t do much editing to the photo. I used the Hipstamatic App: Lens: Lowy, Film: Lowy.”

Sometimes it’s so pretty above the clouds

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Sometimes it’s so pretty above the clouds‘ by Jen Pollack Bianco – “This image was shot on my iPhone 7+ on a flight that departed from the Munich Airport. The sunrise was perfectly pink against the clouds and my window seat had a nice vantage point. The image isn’t edited— this shot was the result of timing, good light, and nice clouds. Clouds can be the best filter. ”

Halcyon Days

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Halcyon Days‘ by Diane Adler Monheit – “I was in the car early in the morning headed to the airport, hubby driving. I spotted this scene. The dramatic lighting had captured my attention. I rolled the window down and just took a series of shots as we were speeding down the freeway. I only edited using Snapseed to crop and enhance a bit.”

Time to Get Outside & Explore Arizona

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Time to Get Outside & Explore Arizona‘ by Joseph Cyr – “I took this last week while on a run after work. This time of year in Southern Arizona is ‘monsoon season,’ so we get frequent afternoon thunderstorms. With all of the open space around the city of Tucson, the views across the desert basin to the surrounding mountain ranges are stunning this time of year: the storms materialize quickly, as towers of clouds explode upward before marching across the landscape, dragging a dark curtain of rain underneath.

I took this photo with my iPhone X, used snapseed to convert it to black and white, then applied a ‘grainy film’ effect. Here in Tucson, the University of Arizona’s Center for Creative Photography houses the archives of Ansel Adams, so his approach to landscape photography is still very influential here. As I paused during my run to take this photo, I couldn’t help but think of his photos of the Western landscape and how much they still have an impact on how so many people see this part of this world.”

Slightly broken, but nevertheless full of hope

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Slightly broken, but nevertheless full of hope‘ by Seamus Smyth

There is magic in the skies

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There is magic in the skies‘ by Susan Blanda

Sunset at the Dock

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Sunset at the Dock‘ by L J Ouellette – “My image features one of several boat docks along Beach Road in Lake George Village, Lake George, New York. “LG” has been my favorite place for as long as I can remember. It’s the place I go to relax and unwind and it never ceases to inspire my photography. For this image I used my iPhone 7plus and made adjustments using Snapseed and iColorama. Sometimes I like to create wild digital art but other times I like to let Mother Nature’s artwork take center stage. The Adirondacks of upstate New York are beautiful and most of the time need very little post-processing to achieve a stellar shot.

I’ve loved photography since I received my first real camera at age seven. In April 2014 I graduated from the New York Institute of Photography after completing the last two units of the coursework while battling Stage 2B Breast Cancer and going through chemo. My two diplomas are dated twelve days apart! Above all else, photography has provided me with methods for coping with cancer and also with chronic pain. I couldn’t ask for a better distraction!”


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Untitled‘ by Joe Le Grand – “The title of this piece is ‘Sunrise over Lassing Park’ on Tampa Bay. It was taken one morning after I awoke, packed the coffee and drove to this location, which is in south St. Petersburg, Florida in the Old Southeast district, giving enough time to set up in preparation for the sunrise.

Before the sunrise began, there were only a few local birds chirping in the early morning glow but as the sun began to breach the horizon, the chorus of birds swelled to an almost deafening sound level, introducing this amazing photo.

Many shots were taken as the sun rose in the sky with this one chosen as it gently highlighted the early morning clouds.

The photo was taken with an iPhone 7+ and was edited with Snapseed and iColorama.”

Reach for the sky

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Reach for the sky‘ by Laurence Bouchard – “‘Reach for the sky’ was shot in Koh Samui, Thailand. There are these famous rocks called Hin Ta & Hin Yai (the Grandpa and Grandma rocks), which look, respectively, like male and female genitalia. I remember walking around and looking up and seeing these great silhouettes against the sky and took a few shots. I later edited in Snapseed – increasingly the contrast and adding a blueish vintage filter.”

What we then do is

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What we then do is‘ by Jonathan Leahy Maharaj – “Its from The Gearagh, a partially submerged ancient glacial woodland in Cork County. There is a silence and a solitude down there that comes from the landscape which is mostly comprised of the stumps of felled oak trees, cut down in the 50s to facilitate the building of a nearby electricity plant and dam.

My shot was taken in June last, shot on Iphone 7 and simply edited in Snapseed while being eaten alive by midges. ”

A cloudy way to start a journey

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A cloudy way to start a journey‘ by Dina Alfasi

Sky meets earth

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Sky meets earth‘ by Ann Hecht

Water drops filled with clouds

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Water drops filled with clouds‘ by Jill Lian – “This shot was taken on my morning walk. The sky was incredibly blue. The dewdrops were still hanging on the tiny branches on this Smoke Tree bush. I used an olloclip macro with my iPhone 7 Plus. I cropped the photo slightly in Snapseed. ”

Crazy circular coastal clouds whilst channeling my inner

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Crazy circular coastal clouds whilst channeling my inner‘ by @girlgonecoastal

Don’t forget…

The theme for the next challenge will be ‘Peace, Calm and Tranquility’. For the challenge think about sharing your best mobile photos that convey a sense of peace, calm and tranquility, whether through a minimalist composition, using muted colors, a captivating portrait or stunning landscape.

To enter the challenge simple start sharing your best images on the theme of ‘Peace, Calm and Tranquility’ that were taken and edited with a smartphone by using the hashtag #mobiography_challenge_38 on Instagram.

The best ones will be featured in the next photo challenge showcase, so get sharing now.

If you haven’t already done so, follow Mobiography on Instagram and hashtag your photos with #mobiography. Don’t forget to sign up to the Mobiography email list to get the latest news and updates direct to your inbox.

Join the Mobiography Facebook Group

Mobiography has just setup a Facebook Group as a place where the Mobiography community can chat and interact, share your photos, ideas, tips and news. Head over to Facebook and join the group, introduce yourself, share some of your images, and leave some comments on other people’s photos.

Join The Mobiography Facebook Group