Following on from valentines day, the theme for the last Mobiography smartphone photo challenge was ‘Love and Affection’. For the challenge the Mobiography community were asked to share their best smartphone photos that captured those tender moments of love and affection, portraits of loved ones, or moments of quiet contemplation. Here is a selection of some of the photos submitted to the challenge.
Featured photographers this week include: @themobilemind, @pennijam, @veroniqueroelofs, @miakbh, @venkatesulu, @rawsdeb_ru, @martech_photo, @chasread, @_plantmyheart_, @royiphoneography, @ihave_seen_things, @locknessey, @_g.vale, and @sombra_y_luz.
Take part in the next Mobiography photo challenge
The theme of this weeks photo challenge is ‘Shadows & Silhouettes’. For this challenge think about images that show off the shapes and patterns created by shadows and the abstract compositions that can be created using shadows. Think black and white and the moodiness between harsh sunlight and harsh shadows. So start sharing your best shadow inspired images now.
To enter the challenge simply start sharing your best images on the theme of ‘Love and Affection’ that were taken and edited with a smartphone by using the hashtag #mobiography_challenge_154 on Instagram.
The best ones will be featured in the next photo challenge showcase, so get sharing now.
Join The Mobiography Facebook GroupThe Locals
‘The Locals‘ by @themobilemind – “The format for this photo is an informal portraiture – a category I enjoy.
I reside in a rural area, so there are few opportunities for people photography. I occasionally venture to a local tavern and restaurant located on the Chesapeake Bay in the middle of a seasonal, working class community. Increasingly, more people are moving there year round. It attracts a lot of motorcycle tourists.
In warm months, I occasionally park myself with a beverage on the outdoor deck and shoot photos of seasonal and full time residents. Surprisingly, no one turns me down for a photo.
I liked this couple for their “biker” personas. Shot on an iPhone 7+ and edited in Snapseed. ”
Sunrise at Curl Curl Beach
‘Sunrise at Curl Curl Beach‘ by @pennijam – “This photo was taken at dawn at Curl Curl Beach on Sydney’s Northern Beaches. After a week of cloud and rain I didn’t think the sunrise was going to amount to much but Mother Nature proved me wrong. Even though this was a weekday morning, the beach was busy – I think the move to work from home and avoiding the commute has meant that more people have an opportunity to go to the beach before work. The photo was taken on my iPhone 11 Pro Max with minor edits in Snapseed.”
No strings attached
‘No strings attached‘ by @veroniqueroelofs – “I was challenged by the subject and went to work with our kids. I wanted to work with negative space and simplicity. No strings attached, referring to our unconditional love for our children. It’s a process of letting go and let them grow. I also used blue as color, treath, sweather and scissors to make it work. ”
promises made
‘promises made‘ by @miakbh – “This shot was taken by the beach in early spring. I was out breathing some fresh air with my family and spotted this couple sitting on a bench enjoying the view and each other. I immediately fell in love with the scene. The sky and the calm ocean offered the perfect background since I have a soft spot for minimal sceneries as well.
I added a little more light to the shot – just using the native camera photo app of my iPhone.”
A grandparent’s love is strong and deep, filled with memories to cherish and keep!”
‘A grandparent’s love is strong and deep, filled with memories to cherish and keep!‘ by @rawsdeb_ru – “This is a photo I took of the hands of my husband and I with the small hand of our only grandson. He was born to my daughter and son-in-law after much wanted in vitrio birth.
It was taken on my iPhone XS Max and edited in Snapseed and converted to black and white.”
And for a while I thought I was back in Beijing.
‘And for a while I thought I was back in Beijing.‘ by @martech_photo – “The photo was taken in Madrid (Spain). I was on the train coming back from the university where I work. I think it wasn’t late because there was natural light. This couple was sat in front of me, they were speaking in Chinese (Mandarin), a language I manage to understand because I lived in Beijing for three years. I was reading or just looking through the window. Then I realised they were silent. That is when I saw them sleeping in such a beautiful position that I took my phone and shot. The scene was very familiar to me, in Beijing you can find people sleeping everywhere.
I edited the photo in Snapseed, I like black and white because I am colourblind (it doesn’t mean I can’t see colours, just differently) and I feel more comfortable with the black and white edition. I tend to oversaturate pictures when editing in colour and skin tones are a nightmare for me. I like to increase contrast without burning whites or making blacks too pale.”
‘encircling‘ by @chasread – “NYC’s Guggenheim Museum seems to attract lovers (and of course, art lovers) of all kinds – maybe it’s the way the encircling spiral ramp wraps them in its signature architectural embrace, encouraging them to move closer to one another as they wind their way ever upwards? I thought a dark vignette helped frame this moment just so.
Shot on iPhone 6s using the Blackie app and cropped in Snapseed. ”
The Souls Story 2020
‘The Souls Story 2020‘ by @royiphoneography – “This photo taken when I went to “Christ The Redeemer” in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I was moving around the Christ and I saw the lovers hugs and falling in love with each other. I captured 2-3 shots of this soulful moment. Actually I wanted clean and clear shot but some of the people near them. I waited so much time those people are away from them but it was my hard luck. Nobody moved from it.
I edited 3-4 versions of this photo. First of all I removed the people in the frame. Then did some retouched and developed some objects, I then adding some brightness, some other edits and then applied the VSCO filter AL3. Finally you can see the result. ”
Solid As A Brick
‘Solid As A Brick‘ by @locknessey – “My photograph was taken on Father’s Day in September 2020. I wanted to capture the special bond between father and son in an artfully staged way. Their interlocked hands framed against our orange brick wall seemed to perfectly capture the solid nature of their relationship. I took the photo with photo an iPhone 8”
Love in the vines
‘Love in the vines‘ by @sombra_y_luz – “What’s not to love, about love? This image was captured at an outdoor event a couple of years ago. The loved-up couple were lost in their own world seemingly oblivious to all around them. It was a beautiful moment and so I quickly grabbed my iPhone to capture the moment.”
‘Untitled‘ by @_g.vale
I can feel it in the air… tonight…
‘I can feel it in the air… tonight…‘ by @ihave_seen_things
‘Resilience‘ by @_plantmyheart_
‘Untitled‘ by @venkatesulu
Don’t forget…
The theme of this weeks photo challenge is ‘Shadows & Silhouettes’. For this challenge think about images that show off the shapes and patterns created by shadows and the abstract compositions that can be created using shadows. Think black and white and the moodiness between harsh sunlight and harsh shadows. So start sharing your best shadow inspired images now.
To enter the challenge simply start sharing your best images on the theme of ‘Love and Affection’ that were taken and edited with a smartphone by using the hashtag #mobiography_challenge_154 on Instagram.
The best ones will be featured in the next photo challenge showcase, so get sharing now.
Join the Mobiography Facebook Group
If you haven’t already done so, follow Mobiography on Instagram and hashtag your photos with #mobiography. Don’t forget to sign up to the Mobiography email list to get the latest news and updates direct to your inbox.
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