Happy new year everyone!! Over the course of the last couple of weeks the Mobiography photo challenge has been the thee of ‘The World Around Me’. For this challenge the Mobiography community were asked to share their best smartphone photos that capture the world around you. It was a fairly open-ended subject that could encompass street and urban locations, stunning landscapes, nature, family, friends, abstract images or small macro worlds. The number of submissions was staggering and there were so many superb photos submitted. Here is a small selection of those photos.
Featured photographers this week include: @allophile_, @aniraz95, @bazillus, @camera_n_i, @ihave_seen_things, @itisi_siru, @miakbh, @rawsdeb_ru, @reneetakespics, @sjbpro, @sunflowerof21_365, and @susanblanda.
Take part in the next Mobiography photo challenge
The theme of this weeks photo challenge is ‘Wintertime’. For this challenge think about sharing your best smartphone photos that sum up the idea of Wintertime. Think about images of snow, ice, frost, landscapes or chilly portraits.
To enter the challenge simply start sharing your best images on the theme of ‘wintertime’ that were taken and edited with a smartphone by using the hashtag #mobiography_challenge_148 on Instagram.
The best ones will be featured in the next photo challenge showcase, so get sharing now.
Join The Mobiography Facebook GroupUntitled
‘Untitled‘ by @allophile_ – “I’ve been going for evening runs in the Arizona desert for over a decade now; being able to spend time outdoors, away from crowds, during this pandemic — it’s been a lifeline. The other night, finishing up a run on some trails about 10 minutes from where I live, I stopped to admire the sunset, but actually, when I turned around to look back at the eastern sky – that’s where the color was. Winter often brings surreal skies to Tucson — colors that look almost fake, with cotton-candy clouds. This particular group of saguaros seemed to have a massive bird flying above them. I took this with the native camera on my iPhone12pro—I’ve truly been enjoying taking landscape photos with it—and then just a bit of exposure correction using Snapseed.”
You will never get that moment again the same as it was
‘You will never get that moment again the same as it was‘ by @aniraz95 – “The photo was made in May 2019 and is an image of the southwest view from a window in my office in Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This is one of the hundreds of photos of the same view and of its reflection on a window pane of the window at various times of the day that I have taken since 2016. Every time it would be a different image depending on the time of day, the formation of the clouds, whether there was sunlight or none, etc… This particular photo was taken in the morning and it happened that the clouds were beautifully framing the group of buildings, and the color of the sun was just great, as well as some light casting a shadow on the west side of the buildings. It was taken on iPhone X. I did little editing on Snapseed, just cropping and ‘tune image’.”
‘Hamburg‘ by @bazillus – “My series ‘architecture – eye on detail’ is an ongoing project which I started in 2011. My focus is on the details of buildings, interior and excerpts from the urban space. The choice of the place, and the language of shapes and the light transfer the images to an independent abstract photo. As well as they are references to architectural styles and eras.
The photos are shot with my iPhone and have only been edited with instagram.”
The dawn
‘the dawn‘ by @camera_n_i – “The pandemic has made a new normal for all of us! Not being able to travel and meet our family is one thing that has hurt the most!
This was a morning during a seaside night camping. The low tide had exposed more of the beach. The clouds and the sky were reflected seamlessly. I saw a child waiting for the sun to rise and shine. I tried to capture the magic that nature had cast with my iPhone 11. The picture came out very well. It gave me hope for better days.”
‘Midweek!‘ by @ihave_seen_things
Looks tranquil, right? Well… looks can be deceiving
‘Looks tranquil, right? Well… looks can be deceiving‘ by @itisi_siru – “The alienating experience of life in the USA inspired this photo. I was looking for a scene that expressed a feeling of loneliness, being adrift and even a bit of desolation and I got it when fog rolled up thick on the banks of Lake Champlain early in the morning. This image was processed in Photoshop Express to create a stark black and white aesthetic.”
Who needs a filter, when we have mother nature herself!
‘Who needs a filter, when we have mother nature herself!‘ by @miakbh – “This photograph was taken on a magic morning in September 2020 when I was biking through my local park on my way to work. It was early and the fog was really dense and turned the park into a scene from a fairy tale. I just had to stop and capture the magic with my iPhone. I really love how fog can change a location that you think you know so well into something completely different, mysteries and magical. This shot didn’t need any editing. Mother Nature worked her magic. Shot on my iPhone 8 Plus. ”
Follow the road
‘Follow the road‘ by @rawsdeb_ru – “This was taken with an iPhone 7+ on the road going towards the Tetons in Wyoming. I love the lines of the road leading towards the mountains on this quiet road. All edited in Snapseed.”
‘Untitled‘ by @reneetakespics – “This shot was taken on Poplar Beach in Half Moon Bay during a dreary low tide day. The patterns in the sand were unique and the lone beach goer (besides me) with the pop of red anchored my eye. Processed with Snapseed to bring out detail and focus the color on the person.”
Tentatively walking towards 2021
‘Tentatively walking towards 2021‘ by @sjbpro – “The SF bay area has been in lockdown for as long as LA. After weeks of endless winter break and the days blurring into each other. I decided to take my two daughters and and dog to the beach (one of our favorites places) to shake 2020 out of our collective psyches and look forward to better days ahead. The light was beautiful, the clouds threatening and all around us people and dogs were taking it all in. And in the middle of the chaos were several fishermen with what seemed like a singular purpose. I was hoping to capture some of the inner peace set against a swirling backdrop of uncertainty.
The photo was taken at Fort Tungsten, San Francisco and shot on my iPhone then edited using the Hipstamatic app.”
Pizza, fizz and cake on Otley Chevin
‘Pizza, fizz and cake on Otley Chevin‘ by @sunflowerof21_365 – “This is my friend on her birthday. Lockdown meant we weren’t able to celebrate the way we usually would, and certainly not indoors. So, despite the wind and rain, we walked to the top of Otley Chevin in Yorkshire, one of my favourite local places, for pizza, fizz and cake. This particular spot is called ‘The Surprise View’ – an amazing panoramic view across the Yorkshire landscape greets you once you’ve reached the edge.
I shot and edited the photo with Hipstamatic using my iPhone 11 Pro Max, settling for the Jane film and the Telegraph lens (my favourite Hipstamatic combo at the moment).”
Dance Of The Pelicans
‘Dance Of The Pelicans‘ by @susanblanda – “This is a straight out of camera shot taken at Newport Beach, Ca while hiking along the coastline. Shot with an iPhone 7s and converted to black and white using the Lightroom mobile app.”
Don’t forget…
The theme of this weeks photo challenge is ‘Wintertime’. For this challenge think about sharing your best smartphone photos that sum up the idea of Wintertime. Think about images of snow, ice, frost, landscapes or chilly portraits.
To enter the challenge simply start sharing your best images on the theme of ‘wintertime’ that were taken and edited with a smartphone by using the hashtag #mobiography_challenge_148 on Instagram.
The best ones will be featured in the next photo challenge showcase, so get sharing now.
Join the Mobiography Facebook Group
If you haven’t already done so, follow Mobiography on Instagram and hashtag your photos with #mobiography. Don’t forget to sign up to the Mobiography email list to get the latest news and updates direct to your inbox.
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