The choice of available photo apps is staggering. There seems to be an app for almost any situation but knowing which to use can be a problem and if you’re not careful the number of apps on your smartphone can quickly get out of hand.

I have compiled a list of some of the best photo apps on the market. Each app in this list offers its own unique blend of functionality suited to different situations.


ProCamera7 is one of my go to apps of choice at the moment. ProCamera7 is packed full of features and offers the ability to separate and independently set the focus and exposure points which is a big plus for me. The app offers choice of several shooting modes including rapid fire, night mode, video and a QR code scanner. To aid composition there are several grid options that can be selected as well as a variety of ratio formats to choose from. Once you have taken your photo there are a variety of filters and editing options that will enable you to further enhance your photograph.

Available on: iOS or visit ProCamera App


Camera+ is another leading camera replacement app which is fast, easy to use and packed full of useful features. Like ProCamera7, Camera+ also offers the ability to separate out the focus and exposure points and set these independently of one another. The apps offers a selection of shooting modes, a solid digital zone, composition aids. Camera+ also has a load of editing options which allow you to crop, add filter effects, adjust brightness, contest and saturation plus much more. A very versatile app.

Available on: iOS
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Oggl is another of my top go to apps. Produced by Hipstamatic, Oggl offers the same film and lens combination filters found in the native Hipstamatic app but with the added benefit of being about to change and swop these filters after you have taken your image, not before. Oggl offers community integration and the ability to share your photos through six social networks including Flickr, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. I find Oggl a fun app to use and one that produces some amazing results in the Hipstamatic style that I love but with the added benefit of post production flexibility.

Available on: iOS, Windows or visit


VSCO Cam is a camera replacement app which comes with an Instagram style sharing platform. The app has a contemporary design to it and users will find it to be a powerful editing tool which has a wide selection of filters that will help to enhance your photographs. These filters can be adjusted and customised further by editing the exposure, contrast and temperature levels through the use of slider settings. Your photos can then be uploaded to your VSCO Grid profile. VSCO Cam has a very nice contemporary design which complements the simple.

Available on: iOS, Android or visit


When it comes to post production editing, Snapseed has to be one of the most versatile apps I know. The app is easy to use and offers a wide variety of different editing options including colour correction, cropping, black and white conversion, HDR effects, grunge, borders and vignettes. If you haven’t checked Snapseed out yet I strongly recommend you do. It is a perfect companion for any camera bag.

Available on: iOS and Android

share it with snapseed

Vivid HDR

When it comes to HDR photography there are several camera apps out there dedicated to HDR. The one I use is vivid HDR. The app is easy to use with a simple interface. The capture process captures multiple photos at differing exposure levels which are then combined to produce one crisp and perfectly exposed photograph. You can select from one of five presets, Natural, Lively, Dramatic, Bleach and Gray Art. The brightness can be adjusted and a handy slider enables you to preview the before and after results on one screen. I have found the photographs taken with Vivid HDR to really add some depth to an image which would otherwise end up looking flat.

Available on: iOS

Vivid HDR App

Slow Shutter Cam

Show Shutter Cam is an excellent app for taking long exposure shots. The app can be configured to adjust the length of exposure, the strength of blur, light sensitivity and low lighting exposure level. Unlike taking long exposures with a DSLR camera, Slow Shutter Cam enables the photographer to view a live video preview of the image as it is exposed. It is to be expected that due to the smaller camera sensor (when compared to that of a DSLR) there will be some digital noise in the photograph but this is a small price to pay when you consider the price difference between Slow Shutter Cam and a DSLR camera. Using this app for long exposures is fun and well worth checking out.

Available on: iOS

Cortex Cam

Cortex Cam is an app ideally suited to taking photographs in low lighting conditions. Using Cortex Cam requires a steady hand (as does all low light photography). Rather than taking one long exposure image, Cortex Cam requires that the camera is held steady while it shoots a short 3 second video. This is then processed to produce one image which is significantly clearer than any photograph taken with other camera replacement apps in such low lighting conditions. A handy tool.

Available on: iOS or visit


Filterstorm is a small but powerful photo editing app thats is available for the iPhone and iPad. The app offers a variety of more advanced editing options such as layering and masking. Filterstorm goes way beyond the capabilities of other smartphone photo editing apps. Users will find they can easily edit, adjust, crop and mask a photograph to quickly enhance it further. The app keeps track of your edits so you can go back and undo any edits you are not happy with. A lot of the tools in Filterstorm remind me of those in photoshop. A very powerful editing tool.

Available on: iOS or visit

Tiny planet

This is a recent find which I have been having a lot of fun with. Tiny Planets basically bends your photographs on a central axis and blends the two edges together. The results can produce some interesting tiny planet effects. Selecting the inverse option called Rabbithole can also produce an interesting tunnel effect. With a little practice you will soon train your eye to see and compose the right types of scenes that will lend themselves to producing some really amazing effects.

Available on: iOS

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What are your go to apps of choice?

This list is just a small selection, there are many more apps out there each designed with a specific purpose use in mind. Leave a comment below and let us know what your go to apps are and why!