The theme of this weeks showcase of mobile photography looks at 10 beautifully shot photos that include a lone figure. Such shots often evoke feelings of isolation which in turn stir an emotion in the person viewing the image.

From Alexandre Lecuyer’s seaside flock of seagulls scene to Aco Konikoni’s wonderful black and white image that uses the surrounding buildings to frame the figure. All photos in this weeks showcase show how effective this compositional technique can be.

Featured photographers this week include; Ushi Grant, Mark Fearnley, Kapa1966, Alexandre Lecuyer, Geek1956, Aco Konikoni, Manuel Vilaca, Johnny777, and Koopsdk.

Do you have a favourite photo from this week’s showcase? Let us know which in the comments section at the bottom of the page. Finally, hashtag your photos with #mobiography for a chance of getting featured in future showcases.

Finding the Light…


Finding the Light…‘ by Ushi Grant – “I was drawn to the play of light on the floor when suddenly I saw this figure coming into the space. I loved the way the light caught her face. In these uncertain times, the title I gave it is my hope for the world going forward”

Projected Destiny

Projected Destiny‘ by Mark Fearnley – “This image was taken in a disused railway line close to my house. I decided to visit the tunnel for some back lit/silhouetted shots. It had been raining on our way down and I asked my wife to put the umbrella up as we were leaving the tunnel. I edited the image through Snapseed for strong vignetting, and Pics-Art for a motion blur.”



Untitled‘ by Kapa1966 – “I often go nordic walking, and this photo was taken during my walk. This place is an underpass to the Football Stadium Energa in Gdansk, Poland. I walked towards the stadium and saw how the sun casts beautiful human shadows on the wall. The decision was immediate, I took the picture. I converted the photo to black and white in Snapseed using “dramatic” preset and “black and white” in high contrast with a red filter. ”

La fille et les mouettes


La fille et les mouettes‘ by alexandre.lecuyer – “Most of my pics are done with Hipstamatic app. This picture was shot in March 2016 in Deauville (French Normandie). I saw this group of seagulls and I asked my daughter to walk towards them. I knew that the reaction should be amazing. I shot 2 pics. The second one was great with the reflect of my daughter in the sea and a good balance of seagulls in flight.”



Untitled‘ by Geek1956 – “This photo was taken during my regular early morning walk before work. I was walking around Sydney University which I find is a great place for people and architecture. I decided to stand at the bottom of the stairs and just waited for people to show up. I shot about 13 photos using the Hipstamatic classic camera app and this was the one I liked. The John S lens and Inas’s 1982 film is great for silhouette’s and for capturing low light and mood. This is a great combo, unfortunately you don’t see it posted much these days.”

Now, let’s go??


Now, let’s go??‘ by aco.konikoni – “I took this picture at the Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art in Japan. The image is the person who goes toward the future and I made it black and white to express that image.”

Cosmic Gate


Cosmic Gate‘ by Manuel Vilaca

Get higher


Get higher‘ by johnny777



Untitled‘ by Koopsdk

Do you have a favourite from this weeks showcase? Let us know your thoughts on the featured photos in the comments below.

If you haven’t already done so, follow Mobiography on Instagram and hashtag your photos with#mobiography for a chance of getting featured in future showcases. Don’t forget to sign up to the Mobiography email list to get the latest news and updates direct to your inbox.


