After a short break (due to a well deserved holiday) in our regular mobile photography showcases I am pleased to bring you this week’s selection of mobile photography. This week we look at a selection of 20 iPhone photos from our #mobiography hashtag stream on Instagram.
The theme for this week is leading lines and all photos featured this week illustrate how using this technique in your compositions can help draw a viewers eye into a photo to add depth and interest. From Elsa Alex’s use of perspective lines in a hotel corridor to @nurdinova_dina’s frozen stream in her stunning landscape shot.
Featured photographers this week include Elsa Alex, Melbourne_moods, HKeithiii, joanapizarro, geek1956, dareksobiecki, Hipstanitaelle, Marco Lamberto, _soulkitchen_, Armineh29, Sebastian Kroll, soldatdeplom, nurdinova_dina, Matthew Clements, Seb Gordon, Arpi, wildoscar, tom3cky, Laurence Bouchard and Lekman.
Do you have a favourite photo from this week’s showcase? Let us know which in the comments section at the bottom of the page. Finally, hashtag your photos with #mobiography for a chance of getting featured in future showcases.
‘#Kubrick‘ by Elsa Alex – “This is an ordinary hotel floor in Kiev, Ukraine, during one of my business trips this year. Apart from the obvious geometry, the light and the tone of the scene struck me as very ‘Kubrickesque’.
The picture was shot with an Iphone 6 and the processing was with Instagram, with minor corrections in distortion and contrast.”
The loneliness of the lunch time jogger
‘The loneliness of the lunch time jogger‘ by Melbourne_moods – “It was taken on my iPhone 6+ and I was using the Moment Wide lens and the Moment Case. The image was processed in Lightroom Mobile and then I used the F1 preset in VSCO to help enhance the mood of the image.
I try to get out of the office everyday for a walk and on this day it was very wet and I was holding an umbrella in one hand while I was taking the photo with the other hand. I come to this park quite often and each time there is always something different to capture. I liked this image because of layout of the paths and also the bare trees and fallen leaves. The jogger helped complete the image and showed the dedication he must have to be out running on a very cold and wet day.”
Shot earlier this morning, the rest of the day was a blur.
‘Shot earlier this morning, the rest of the day was a blur‘ by HKeithiii – “I recently started working in downtown LA. This building is where I do my 9 to 5. The lines and details of this building caught my eyes immediately and I knew I wanted to get a picture. The morning of taking the picture was very gloomy which created a very clean backdrop for the build. I usually take my iPhone shots with the native cam but today I used VSCO cam. This was also edited using VSCO presets.”
Through another dimension
‘Through another dimension‘ by joanapizarro – “Strolling around the st. Pancras Station in London city and then I saw this beautiful colorful tunnel, immediately took this shot of these two strangers, one going away and the other coming towards me. I did many other shots in this place, but my favourite was this particular one.”
Tunnel vision
‘Tunnel vision‘ by geek1956 – “This photo was inspired by my love of leading lines, and tunnels are great for that, with a human element. I personally think this is brought out more effectively with black and white. I shot this with the native camera app and edited it with one of my favourite apps PicTapGo.”
Layer Crossover
‘Layer Crossover‘ by dareksobiecki – “There’s a modern architectural complex called Waterfront, in the centre of Gdynia, Poland. Right from the start it has presented a great potential of creative framing. Some of my best images were taken there. Its lines, curves and reflections, together with the busy life and harbour vicinity present a wide range of choices.
This week I needed a few more shots for an urban photo challenge so it was pretty obvious where to go.
In the take itself I used the power of symmetry, combined with B&W ‘essence booster’. The distant focal point is the hazy harbour, which, in this context, is a bit alien or magical.”
Dear Lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know your stairway lies on the whispering wind… – Led Zeppelin
‘Dear Lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know your stairway lies on the whispering wind… – Led Zeppelin‘ by Hipstanitaelle – “This photo was taken in a little lovely seaside village called “Les Petites Dalles” in France. It was, for me, at the best moment of the year when vacationers are not yet arrived…
I used my favorite app Hipstamatic with the combo Eric //W40 and JuicyorangeGel for the flash.”
Exploring point of view
‘Exploring point of view‘ by Marco Lamberto – “Milano Central Station is always such an inspiring building. Lots of people passing by, so many stories crossing. I’ve simply exploited a glass for getting the wanted symmetry while travelers and lights made the scene. I went through my usual edit involving Adobe Photoshop Express (noise reduction, sharpening and minimal edits), the final touch was made with VSCO cam (WWF preset).”
‘Butterfly‘ by _soulkitchen_ – “This shot was taken in Milan at the Triennale, a Design Museum. This space is a corridor at the end of an exhibition and the wonderful effect created with artificial light made me ask one of the guides to walk towards the exit so that I could take a shot showing the great effect scale with a human presence. The girl was glad to model for me and walked twice back and forth. Her dress was black and withe, and so was the corridor. The best images where those where the girl was centered inside the exit as she looked like the tiny body of a butterfly. I shot with an hipsta combo: John S Lens & Blackeys S Film & Triple Crown Flash. Then adjusted in PS Express to reduce noise (40%) and sharpen (20%). Saved and opened again in Hipstamatic adding the combo Penny Lens + Aristotele Film + Dreampop Flash. This process gave the image a silky aspect and the feeling of movement, as if the butterfly was really flying. ”
‘Pathway‘ by Armineh29 – “This beautiful pathway was spotted at a country club where my friend was getting married and I’m pleased I managed to get this shot, clear of foot traffic.”
‘Roadtrip‘ by Sebastian Kroll – “I love road trips. Sometimes I put my family in our car just for the sake of driving. We love to explore new areas and never drive on the same road twice. Or, like a famous quote puts it: ‘The journey is the destination.’
I took this pic with the Hipstamatic app in classic mode. It’s my favorite mobile photography app and I only release photos taken with it.”
La Fe
‘La Fe‘ by soldatdeplom – “Saturday, 19.00h Mass, the church door is open, it is in darkness and out of the sunlight, not very strong, but ideal for a photo of silhouettes.
I went in and my attention was attracted to the people who were not coming through the middle of the door but by the sides, a clear gesture of respect and why the title “faith”.
I waited for two minutes… and… click. I then edited using Snapseed”
The waterroad on the mumlavsky waterfall
‘The waterroad on the mumlavsky waterfall‘ by nurdinova_dina – “I’ve been fond of photography for about four years. For a long time I have been photographing using a DSLR camera. Until two years ago I had not seen a mobile photography magazine and the work of the winners in the MOBILE PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS. Since then I have been photographing using the iPhone.
I took this photo in the winter in the Czech Republic in Harrachov Mumlavský Waterfall. In order to convey the beauty of the snowy doing horizontal and vertical panorama. Then processed in the Snapseed (sharpness and saturation), to betray what the eye can see, but can not transfer equipment.”
Stop moving and appreciate the moment
‘Stop moving and appreciate the moment‘ by Matthew Clements – “I named the photo ‘Stop moving and appreciate the moment’ because I am trying to embrace mindfulness and appreciation of each small moment, not letting life pass by in a blur.
I sometimes drive home from work through this country lane, from Canterbury to Whitstable, with fields on either side, the sound of cows mooing at the farm in the distance.
Usually a fleeting moment of peace along the busy route home, but on this day I decided to stop my car at the widest point of the road and take a quick photo to capture the moment. As I approached, I saw the sun rays and wispy clouds emerge from behind the tree and knew I had to take a photo.
I processed the image in VSCO Cam with the A4 preset, adjusting the saturation, highlights and crop before adding a vignette.
This achieved the look and mood that I saw and felt when I stopped my car.”
Parisiennes walkways
‘Parisiennes walkways‘ by Seb Gordon
Is there light beyond?
‘Is there light beyond?‘ by Arpi
On the way to the beach
‘On the way to the beach‘ by wildoscar
‘Sidmouth‘ by tom3cky
Getting to the point…
‘Getting to the point…‘ by Laurence Bouchard – “‘Getting to the point’ was shot in Ebisu next to the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography (due to reopen in September 2016). I actually work 5 minutes away from this spot and have taken many photos here but have never been pleased with them. This time I spent a bit longer composing the photo and then waited a bit for the right person to step into the frame. I then edited it in Snapseed making use of the vignette filter.”
‘Untitled‘ by Lekman
Which was your favourite?
Do you have a favourite from this weeks showcase? Let us know your thoughts on the featured photos in the comments below.
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