
Get inspired with the Mobiography Showcase Gallery

10 Smartphone Photos That Frame Their Subjects Beautifully

10 Smartphone Photos That Frame Their Subjects Beautifully

The theme for this weeks showcase of mobile photography looks at 10 photos that frame their subjects in one way or another. Using framing is a technique which allows you to draw the viewers eye towards the intended subject and give them more focus. From Paul Yan’s use...

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Mojocon On The Streets Of Galway

Mojocon On The Streets Of Galway

Last weekend, I attended MojoCon, a conference about mobile journalism run by RTE, Ireland’s main television network. This year, the conference was held in the beautiful city of Galway, Ireland. During the conference, I met up with a number of talented iPhone...

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10 Beautiful Passing Time Photos (Taken With A Smartphone)

10 Beautiful Passing Time Photos (Taken With A Smartphone)

The theme of this week's showcase of mobile photography is passing time. This theme can encompass things such as passing the time of day, observing people as they go about their daily business or people deep in thought. For example, Rob Pearson-Wright's shot of a...

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10 Beautiful Photos of Nature (All Taken With A Smartphone)

10 Beautiful Photos of Nature (All Taken With A Smartphone)

The theme of this weeks showcase of mobile photography is nature. Nature photography can take on many forms and is a perfect way to get out and appreciate the beauty of the world that surrounds us. From delicate flowers such as photographed by gregory_opena, Meri...

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10 Must See Smartphone Photos That Use Leading Lines

10 Must See Smartphone Photos That Use Leading Lines

This week's showcase of mobile photography features 10 stunning smartphone photos all of which use leading lines in their compositions. From agospavelsky's use of a spiral staircase to cleverly lead the eye around the photo towards the centre and his subject to the...

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11 Beautiful Smartphone Photos of Travel & Adventure

11 Beautiful Smartphone Photos of Travel & Adventure

The theme of this week's showcase of mobile photography is travel and adventure and looks at 11 beautiful photos which all capture one aspect of this subject. From the adventure of an isolated hill top walk in @Alice1280's photo, to the street photography of @kaizhi,...

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10 Wonderful Smartphone Photos of Transportation

10 Wonderful Smartphone Photos of Transportation

The theme of this weeks showcase of mobile photography is transportation. It features 10 wonderful photos that are all transport inspired and that were all taken and edited using a smartphone. Whether the photo features a wheelchair, a ski lift, a motorbike or subway...

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