There has been quite a few short films that have been great sources of inspiration for me. All of them highlight the beauty and power that iphoneography and the mobile photography movement has to offer. I think there’s something special about the immediacy and rawness of capturing a moment, as it happens during our daily lifes, then being about to edit that image and share it to the world, all through one hand held device.

I have compiled my top 5 list of must see inspirational films about iphoneography and even thrown in one more for good measure as it is so good I just had to include it even though it doesn’t fall into the iphoneography bracket.

1. iPhoneography by Jack Hollingsworth

iPhoneography by Jack Hollingsworth from jackhollingsworth on Vimeo.

Jack Hollingsworth is a prominent figure in the iPhone Photography space. As a commercial photographer, Jack was converted to iPhoneography in 2011 in what he described as an epiphany. He had taken out his iPhone and taken a couple of shots whilst on a shoot on the Island of Barbados. Jack was blown away by the quality of the results. It was at that moment that he know the iPhone was going to be

the next chapter in his commercial work. The film is one of my favourites and an inspirational one as Jack tells the story of how iPhone photography has changed his world.

2. Dilshad’s Story

Dilshad’s Story is a film everyone seems to be talking about at the moment. It follows Dilshad Corleone, a fairly new convert to smartphone photography as he talks about his day whilst out taking pictures in Barcelona. Dilshad talks about what he looks for when out shooting, how he composes his photos, how he takes them, even how he holds the camera. An excellent film.

3. Street photography and Instagram photobooks by @koci

Street photography and Instagram photobooks by @koci from Blurb Books on Vimeo.

Richard Koci Hernandez is an Emmy award winning multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer and looking at this short film its not hard to see why. The film see’s Richard taking us to downtown San Francisco where is looks for his inspiration and talks about how he goes about taking his pictures, the apps he uses and the role Blurb books have played in his iPhone Photography work.

4. Kevin Russ – A Travelling Photographer

Kevin Russ | A Traveling Photographer from Max Monty on Vimeo.

The fourth in our line up of inspirational must see film about Iphoneography tells the story of Keven Russ, a photographer who has been travelling through the great American West capturing the surrounding landscape, nature and wildlife as he goes, solely armed with his iphone. The film is an interesting and inspirational story of a humble man following a simple life by getting out there, soaking up the beauty that the great outdoors has to offer and following his passion.

5. Incredible India

Incredible india from jackhollingsworth on Vimeo.

The last entry into the must see list is another film from award winning photographer, Jack Hollingsworth. The film is supported by an excellent soundtrack and features images shot by Jack on a journey across india. Yet another brilliantly edited film containing some stunning examples of photography courtesy of the iphone.

A Bonus Entry: Finding Vivian Maier

Technically this film about Vivian Maier can’t be included in this list as it’s more about traditional photography than iphoneography but due to the powerful story that the film tells (and being one of my favourite, must see films), our list of inspirational videos wouldn’t be complete without it.

The film tells the story of Vivian Maier whose fasinating story came to light when a trunk full of her negatives and undeveloped films was bought at auction. In life she was a very private person. So much so that no one really knew of her passion for photography. Following her death in 2009 Vivian Maier has been called one of the best street photographers of the 20th century (that you never heard of).

I hope you enjoyed this round up of some of the best and most inspiration films about iphone and mobile photography. Let us know your favourite or any that I may have missed in the comments below.